“What happens when a new work of art is created is something that happens simultaneously to all the works of art which preceded it”.
T.S. Eliot, one Century ago.
The MetaScream has started its journey with the first two minted layers. Layer Zero: Background is now available on OpenSea in 8 editions and Layer One: The Code is on Foundation.
The other seven Layers are on the way: what will be the platforms that will host them? Stay tuned to know more and remember: you can take part in it.
Whether you are an artist or a collector, The MetaProject allows you to express yourself in a totally new way.
Artists: discover how to shape the first multi -layers -artists -platforms -currents -currencies NFT artwork on https://bit.ly/TheMetaProject-ArtistsApplication
Collectors: The MetaScream is rewarding for you too. When a first Collector purchases at least two Layers of The MetaScream artwork, a new exclusive 1/1 NFT is then generated, composed of all owned Layers on each other, thus bringing to light the Collector’s vision of the artwork. When it happens, a physical frame displaying the multi-layered NFT is delivered for free.